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Health Benefits of Mulberries.

Mulberries are the sweet, hanging fruits from a genus of deciduous trees that grow in a variety of temperate areas around the world. Thought to possibly have originated in China, they have spread throughout the world and are highly praised for their unique flavor and impressive composition of nutrients. In fact, most varieties found in different parts of the world are considered to be “native” from those areas, as they are widespread. Mulberries have interesting names in local dialects. They are called ‘Shahtoot‘ in Hindi, ‘Mulberi’ in Malay, ‘Morbær’ in Norwegian, ‘Mora’ in Spanish and ‘Mullbär’ in Swedish. ‘Kambali Pandu‘ in Telugu, ‘Mucukkattaip palam’ in Tamil, ‘Hippunerale‘ in Kannada, ‘Shetur‘ in Gujarati, ‘Tutee‘ in Marathi, and ‘Shatut‘ in Punjabi.
The names are quite tricky to remember, so let’s just stick to ‘mulberry.’ Whatever the name is, mulberries are delicious and nutritious. The sweet or tart flavor makes these berries ideal for sherbets, jams, jellies, fruit tarts, pies, wines, teas, and cordials. They are filled with nutrients important for our body, including iron, riboflavin, vitamin C & K, potassium, phosphorous, and calcium. They also contain a significant amount of dietary fiber and a wide range of organic compounds.
Health Benefits of Mulberries.
Prevent Premature Aging: Mulberries can aid in skin care, reduce the appearance of blemishes and age spots, and keep hair shiny and healthy by preventing the oxidative actions of free radicals.
Reduce Bad Cholesterol: Consistent intake of mulberry leaf powder and tea can significantly reduce triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. This results in prevention of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.
Regulate Blood Pressure: Resveratrol is found in many dark-skinned berries like mulberries, including most grapes, which is why this beneficial antioxidant is also found in wines. resveratrol increases the production of nitric oxide, which is a vasodilator. This means that it relaxes blood vessels and reduces chances of blood clot formation and subsequent heart issues like strokes or heart attacks
Prevent Cancer: Between the high content of anthocyanins, vitamin C, vitamin A, and various other polyphenolic and phytonutrient compounds, mulberries are also packed with antioxidants. Antioxidants are the main line of defense against free radicals, which form a dangerous by-product of cellular metabolism and can damage healthy cells, causing them to mutate into cancerous ones. The diverse range of antioxidants found in mulberries means that they can neutralize these free radicals quickly before too much damage is done.
Improve Vision: Zeaxanthin found in mulberries functions as an antioxidant and prevents certain damage to the retina, including the free radicals that can cause macular degeneration and cataracts.
Anti-inflammatory: Research shows that mulberry leaves have anti-inflammatory properties, which can cut off body’s inflammatory response to chronic diseases. Mulberry leaf tea can be used to reduce inflammatory pain.
Build Healthy Bones: Vitamin K, calcium, and iron, as well as the trace amounts of phosphorous and magnesium found in mulberries, can all be beneficial for the creation and maintenance of bone tissue.
Aid in Digestion: Comparable the majority of fruits and vegetables, mulberries contain dietary fiber, which makes approximately 10% of your daily requirements in a single serving. Dietary fiber can help to improve digestion by bulking up the stool, thereby speeding up the movement of food through the digestive tract.
Liver health: According to one study, mulberry can help prevent the buildup of fatty deposits around your liver, which can lower your risk of various hepatic diseases.
Increase Circulation: The high levels of iron content in mulberries can significantly boost the production of red blood cells. This means that the body will increase its distribution of oxygen to important tissues and organs, thereby helping to boost metabolism and optimize the functionality of those systems.
Boost Immunity: Vitamin C is a powerful defensive weapon against any illness or foreign pathogens in the body that antioxidants don’t take care of. A single serving of mulberries is almost the entire requirement of vitamin C for the day, Add a few mulberries to your morning meal and watch your immune system soar.


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