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Surprising health benefits of tofu

Tofu (wara in Nigeria), also known as bean curd, is a food prepared by pressing coagulated soy milk into flat white blocks. It has been a common ingredient in global cuisines, such as Chinese food, for many centuries. It’s a traditional component in East Asian and South Asian cuisines. This power-packed food substitute is ideal for vegetarians and vegans all around the world because it contains no traces of animal products of any kind – it is a pure organic food that supplies a wealth of nutritive value in a variety of delicious ways.Tofu can be soft, firm, or extra firm. Tofu has a very low-calorie count, which makes it an attractive option for people who want to lose weight. It contains a very small amount of fat, but a large amount of protein & very low levels of sodium. In terms of vitamins and minerals, it is a rich source of iron, magnesium, copper, phosphorous, and it also has good amounts of calcium & potassium.
The organic compounds found in it mainly consist of isoflavones, which have a wide impact on health. It has significant levels of vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, and vitamin B6.
Health Benefits of Tofu
Liver Damage: Tofu with various coagulants helps prevent liver damage caused due to oxidative stress.
Hair loss: It prevents hair loss issues as it provides keratin, a protein essential for hair growth. You can add it to your diet.
Rich in Protein: Tofu is a great source of protein for vegans and vegetarians. They also provide the required amino acids, which are beneficial for maintaining optimal health.
Lowers Cholesterol Level: Consuming tofu reduces the cholesterol level in the body. It has lower levels of saturated fatty acids and higher levels of unsaturated fatty acids. It’s also a good source of lecithin and linoleic acid, which helps regulate the metabolism.
Maintains Cardiovascular Health: Regular consumption of soy products may lower the levels of saturated fats along with cholesterol levels in the body. Tofu helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Anti-cancer Properties: The isoflavones in tofu are well known to be beneficial in reducing the risk of different types of cancer. It has also been associated with a reduction in breast, lung, and prostate cancer.
Manages Weight: Consuming tofu also aids in managing weight effectively. A study done in China suggests that soy-based low-calorie diets have a beneficial effect on the reduction of weight and blood lipids.
Treats Kidney Diseases: Tofu is rich in protein, phosphorus, and sodium which are a wonderful food for your kidney health. These minerals help prevent chronic kidney diseases.
Prevents Anemia: A study conducted in China also showed it helped lower the risk of anemia among adults. Tofu is an excellent source of iron, & can help prevent anemia.
Brain Health: It’s also known to improve memory & cognitive function for women above 65 years age. The lecithin content present in it helps the body produce the phospholipids phosphatidic acid & phosphatidylserine, which aid in the normal functioning of the neurons.
Prevents Osteoporosis: It’s a rich source of calcium, which is the key ingredient in bone formation. Consuming it slows down the entire process by keeping the bones strong.
Diabetes: Several studies show that the intake of soy protein lowers blood sugar and insulin levels considerably, thus reducing the risk of diabetes.
Eases Menopause Symptoms: The organic compounds in tofu, namely isoflavones, are instrumental in managing the symptoms of menopause in women. It can help stabilize the estrogen levels during menopause and relieve hot flashes.
Types of Tofu
Silken tofu
Regular tofu
Seasoned tofu
Smoked tofu
Fermented tofu

The following are side effects of its excess consumption; Gut damage, Thyroid issue, Breast tumor, Food allergy.


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