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Health Benefits of Teff Grain

Teff Grain Scientifically known as Eragrostis tef, is a tiny grain widely used in Africa but is beginning to gain popularity in the United States. It is used in a similar way as millet or quinoa, but the grain’s small size means that it cooks very rapidly, thus using less fuel and being more viable as a dietary staple for countries with limited resources.  It’s a protein-rich staple food of the African nation that has received a great deal of attention lately, and versatile applications make it an ideal “superfood” that people from Hollywood to the Horn of Africa are clamoring for. It’s amazing how many nutrients are packaged in such a small grain, but the mineral, vitamin, fiber, and organic compounds found in teff grain make it an ideal nutritional source for millions of people already. The most common use of teff is making flour and bread, but it can basically be used in the same way as any other cereal grain.
Health Benefits of Teff Grain
Relieves Menstrual Problems: It has been known as an anti-inflammatory and menstrually soothing agent for generations. Are you suffering from a heavy menstrual flow, severe cramping, or other physical manifestations of the monthly event? Adding teff to your diet could help reduce the severity and live in comfort.
Boosts Digestive Health: Teff grain has been used for thousands of years as a laxative, or at least a means to speed up the digestive process.
Supports Energy Production: Another mineral in high concentrations in teff grain is copper, which plays important roles throughout our body (energy production, growth and repair, blood cell creation etc).
Promotes Growth: Teff can deliver substantial support for growth and development. Our bodies need protein to create new cells, repair old ones, & general development. Having teff in your diet is important for everyone, not just vegetarians and health food fans.
Stronger Immune System: vitamin C is a crucial part of our immune system, together with the high protein content of teff grain, the vitamin C found in this useful dietary staple can have a significant impact on your overall health.
Increased Circulation: Teff is commonly recommended for patients suffering from anemia. Iron is a key element in our red blood cells, and when there is an iron deficiency in the body, If you want to boost your circulation and increase oxygenation to important organ systems and areas of your body, then add some teff grain.
Diabetes Control: Ability to help diabetics manage their condition is one of the side benefits often overlooked from teff grain. By helping to slow the release of insulin into the bloodstream, teff can help diabetics prevent the dangerous spikes and plunges that can occur if you aren’t careful.
Celiac Support: Celiac disease can be very painful and dangerous for people who suffer from it, which is why gluten-free options like teff grain, particularly since it’s so nutrient-dense, make for healthy, delicious options for people avoiding gluten.
Healthy Bones: Teff contains a wide range of minerals and nutrients. Calcium is an essential mineral for bone growth and development and helps contribute to solid bone mineral density as we age. Adding teff can help protect your bone integrity as you age.
Caution: There is no known allergenic nature of teff grain, nor have side effects been reported with any consistency. In other words, it’s simply the best grain option out there!


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