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Amazing Health Benefits Of Brahmi

Brahmi (scientific name Bacopa monnieri), casually known as water hyssop or herb of grace, but brahmi is its most common name. It’s difficult to pinpoint an exact native for this wetland-growing herb & most experts agree that it has been growing wild in all six major inhabited continents for hundreds of thousands of years. There are certain valuable alkaloids and triterpene saponins found in brahmi that have strong effects on the body, in addition to many other organic compounds and volatile constituents. It is commonly used fresh as a salad ingredient, but the herb can also be dried and ground and used with other herbs. The leaves (2-3 per day) are often chewed by people as a general tonic, almost like a vitamin supplement. The flavor is relatively mild, but the real reason for using brahmi is for the impact that it has on human health.
Health Benefits Of Brahmi
Reduces Blood Sugar: Recent research studies shows that brahmi, has been linked to increased blood sugar levels, so depending on your symptoms of diabetes, it may be able to help improve your hypoglycemia &  allow you to live a normal, healthy life.
Treats Digestive Issues: It’s a sedative and soothing herb, as well as anti-inflammatory which helps in providing relief from gastrointestinal conditions such as ulcers etc.
Boosts Cognition: It’s unique ability to stimulate the mind, particularly in terms of memory and concentration. It has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine to increase focus and retention. Some of the organic compounds in brahmi stimulate cognitive pathways in the brain to boost cognitive ability.
Treats Cognitive Disorders: It has the ability to reduce the onset of cognitive disorders as we age, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Research has shown it to be an effective way of stimulating the creation of new neural pathways and lowering oxidative stress in the brain, which keeps our minds sharp well into our old age.
Reduces Anxiety & Stress: The leaves of the brahmi plant can be chewed (only 2-3 at a time) in order to relieve stress and anxiety. The active ingredients in this herb can affect hormonal balance in the body and positively impact the balance of stress hormones in our body, thereby inducing a calm, relaxed state in a natural way, avoiding the side effects of traditional pharmaceutical options for stress & anxiety relief.
Antioxidant Content: The antioxidants contained in brahmi are essential for promoting a healthy lifestyle. Antioxidants can eliminate free radicals, the dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism that can cause cells to undergo apoptosis (cell death) or mutate into cancerous cells. These free radicals affect everything from our skin to our cardiovascular system, so a regular dose of brahmi in a daily or weekly diet can help to maintain a high quality of life and a healthy metabolism.
Improves Respiratory Health: When It’s brewed in a tea or chewed as normal leaves, it can boost your respiratory health. It can clear out excess phlegm and mucus and relieve the inflammation in the throat and respiratory tracts to provide you with rapid relief.
Boosts ImmunityBrahmi consumed in any form, tea, leaves can give the immune system a necessary boost. The nutrients are supplemented by the antioxidant compounds to increase the response time of our immune system against pathogens, viruses or bacterial infection.
Treats Epilepsy: The leaves of brahmi have been used as a treatment for epilepsy for thousands of years. This is thought to be due to the effect brahmi has on neural pathways. It helps to prevent epileptic fits, as well as other forms of mental disease, including bipolar disorder and neuralgia.
Skin Care: Spreading brahmi juice or oil on the affected area can reduce the appearance of scarring and leave you with smooth, healthy skin enriched with its natural essential oils (It speeds up wound healing and disinfect the skin at the same time).
Word of Caution: Regular use for more than 12 weeks is discouraged, so it should only be used when you need it to alleviate a certain symptom or illness.


  1. Very informative post. Thanks for sharing benefits of brahmi. Herbal brain booster supplements contain brahmi which help to improve concentration level. This supplement is good and effective.


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