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10 Wonderful Benefits of Oolong Tea

According to the Tea Association of the United States, this tea falls somewhere between green and black teas, as its leaves are partially oxidized. The health benefits of oolong tea are doubled because of the combined qualities of black tea and green tea. The origin of oolong tea dates back almost 400 years when it found wide usage in China. It is a semi-green fermented tea, but the fermentation process is halted as soon as the tea leaves start to change their color. It’s a natural gift that is rich in antioxidants. It also contains vital vitamins and minerals such as calcium, manganese, copper, carotin, selenium, potassium, and vitamin A, B, C, E, and vitamin K.
Additionally, it contains folic acid, niacinamide, and other detoxifying alkaloids. It is developed in semi-fermented processing, which provides the tea with numerous polyphenolic compounds. Oolong tea also contains caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine which on consumption, may stimulate the nervous system.
Oolong tea is fragrant with a pleasant aroma and has a fruity flavor. Despite its caffeine content, it’s still a relaxing drink.
Health Benefits of Oolong Tea
Manages Stress: The natural polyphenols in oolong tea were cited as the main cause of it being a stress-buster. Also, the L-theanine found in tea leaves is an amino acid that blocks L-glutamic acid to glutamate receptors in the brain. This normally causes cortical neuron excitement, which leads to an increased cognitive activity and neural stress responses.
Improves Mental Health: Regular intake of caffeine-rich oolong tea may help in improving mental performance and maintaining alertness throughout the day.
Improves Bone Health: The antioxidants present in oolong tea protect teeth against decay, strengthen the bone structure, prevent osteoporosis, and promote normal, healthy growth of the human body. Studies showed that people who consistently drank black or oolong tea for more than 10 years were less likely to lose their bone mineral density over that span of time.
Controls Diabetes: Oolong tea is used as an herbal brew for treating type-2 diabetic disorders and as an addition to other supplementary drugs for treating the disease. It regulates the amount of blood sugar and insulin in the bloodstream, so the dangerous dips and spikes in blood sugar that can be disastrous for diabetics are reduced.
Prevents Cancer: It is a well-known fact that tea drinkers have a lower risk of getting skin cancer. Moreover, the polyphenolic compound in oolong tea promotes apoptosis in case of cancerous cell growth in the stomach. This polyphenolic extract also acts as a chemo-preventive instrument against the development of other cancers as well.
Prevents Ovarian Cancer: Oolong tea is rich in anti-cancer properties which helps to significantly lower the risk of developing ovarian cancer in women.
Skin Care: Giving to scientific experiments, patients diagnosed with eczema can benefit from drinking 3 cups of oolong tea throughout the day. The beneficial results of this tea can be seen in less than a week and these patients will show remarkable improvement in recovering from skin problems.
Treats Atopic Dermatitis: Although the active mechanism has not been pinpointed exactly, many believe that the polyphenols present in oolong tea also work as anti-allergenic compounds, thereby relieving irritation and chronic skin problems like atopic dermatitis.
Manages Weight: The polyphenolic compound found in oolong tea is very effective in controlling the metabolism of fat in the body and reducing obesity. It activates certain enzymes, thereby enhancing the functions of fat cells in the body and a daily consumption of this tea can reduce obesity.
Removes Harmful Free Radicals: The polyphenolic compound in oolong tea is also responsible for the removal of free radicals in our body as it functions as an antioxidant.
Caution: It’s also important to remember that oolong tea tends to be high in caffeine, which is not the healthiest component of this beneficial beverage. Caffeine affects people differently and some of the side effects of excess caffeine are anxiousness, headache, sleeplessness, diarrhea, heartburn, irregular heartbeat, and confusion. Drinking too much oolong tea can actually sweep out excess calcium that your body is processing.

In other words, drink several cups of oolong tea a day, because it might be the best kind of tea for improving your health and in addition to being a delicious and relaxing treat. That being said, be aware that caffeine is a powerful chemical, and monitor your body’s response to this change in your diet, just as you should with all new foods and nutritional sources.


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