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Leaving Healthier & Happier

Life is beautiful, filled with challenges that we face daily. Tossing out the heaviness and the stress that weighs us down is the easiest way to feel light and free again. In lightness and freedom comes a sense of openness, expansiveness, and newfound energy. And it is with this awakened energy that we can actually do better work and end up helping more people.
"If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never be fulfilled. If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the world belongs to you." Lao Tzu. Are you feeling overwhelmed and have been for a long time, here are few tips to change your thinking to lighten the stressful load you've been carrying and finally give yourself a break:
Get rid of the need to please people.
Stop trying to be accepted by everyone. Not everyone is going to accept you and that’s OK. Our job is to accept that.
Stop feeling like you need to explain yourself.
Toss out the need to be “good” or “perfect.” It’s OK to mess up. It’s OK for someone to see you become a little crazy. It happens to all of us.
Don't feel the need to reply immediately to everything (hello, to emails taking over your life!).
Cast away the thought that you need Mr or Mrs. Z to be successful. Why is it we often feel that ONE thing has the power to make or break us? It’s simply not true. There’s always another opportunity.
Remember that you don't need to know every detail. There's a mystery to the way life works. You might as well embrace it.
Stop holding onto the stress of feeling you are responsible to hold up everyone around you. Trust that there is a greater force helping them. Helping and supporting others is wonderful. But the moment it causes stress is a signal to let go.
Get rid of the desire to show yourself off. You are enough as you are. There are people that will see you for who you are without having to prove anything.
Let yourself be unavailable when you need to be. It’s OK to say “no” to that event or party.


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