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Honey & Its Health Benefits

Honey is a sweet liquid made by bees using the nectar from flowers. It is graded by color, with the clear, golden amber honey often fetching a higher retail price than the darker varieties. Honey isn’t just delicious and sweet in taste, but nature has packed it with countless health benefits.
Humans found honey about 8,000 years ago and haven’t stopped using it since then. It was widely utilized in Greece and Egypt. And later it became a mandatory component for Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. This miraculous substance possesses healing properties that makes it a natural healer. It is a secret ingredient for countless home remedies as well. You can consume or mix honey with other spices, herbs, and water to get the most of it. The nutritional Value of Honey is as follows: Sodium 6mg, Protein 15mg, Carbohydrates 17g, Pantothenic Acid 05mg, Riboflavin 06mg, Vitamin C 1mg, Zinc 03mg, Iron 05mg, Water 6g, Fructose 1g, Maltose 5g, Glucose 5g.
Health Benefits of Honey
The health benefits of honey are endless. You can rarely find any health problem that honey can’t treat. Let’s look through this few
Honey is Anti-Cancer:  It possesses carcinogen-preventing and anti-tumour properties! There are now more and more studies pointing to the potential role of honey in the prevention and the progression of tumor and cancer.
Honey for Infections: You can prevent your body from infections just by incorporating it into your daily diet. Being enriched with antibacterial properties, it works as a shield against various kinds of infection preventing your body from further damage.
Cholesterol Control: Studies have proved that honey is a healthy source to control high cholesterol levels. A recent study mentioned that consuming 70g of honey regularly for 30 days can reduce these levels by 3%. Remarkably, with the help of the honey, you can increase good cholesterol levels.
Honey is Brain-Booster: Studies have shown that honey possesses natural antioxidant and therapeutic properties that were able to prevent cognitive decline and dementia and enhance the brain's cholinergic system and circulation.
Honey for Diabetics: Despite being sweet in taste, honey doesn’t increase the sugar in the bloodstream and it is safe for diabetics. It is also said to reduce fasting serum glucose maintain fasting C-peptide, a compound that stabilizes insulin.
Immunity System Builder: It's antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties can help improve digestive system, stay healthy and fight disease. Start every each day with this cleansing tonic if you want to see this health benefit of honey: before breakfast, mix a spoonful of honey and lemon juice from half a lemon into a cup of warm water and drink it.
Boosts Energy: The methylglyoxal compound in honey contributes to enhance your immune system stimulating the growth of cytokines, which are found to organize immune your responses.
Nausea Prevention: Adding a bit of honey to your diet can change all this drastically. You can treat morning sickness by adding lemon juice to raw honey. It not just relieves nausea, but prevents vomiting as well. If lemon juice is too sour for you, you can try this remedy with apple cider vinegar before going to bed.
Honey for Weight Loss: Consuming a spoonful of honey with warm water can reduce your sugar cravings, which will help you a lot during your weight loss journey. A recent study noted the fact that natural sugars found in the honey act differently than white sugar inside your body. You can even replace regular sugar intake with it for quick results.
For SLEEPLESSNESS: Eating a tablespoon of it before bedtime is recommended to insomniacs. This way, their liver glycogen stays up because if they get empty, your liver stops glucose formation, which is essential for producing energy. This process is said to prevent you from falling asleep as you should.
Honey for Asthma: It relieves the respiratory system by keeping all that wheezing and troubled breathing at bay. Consuming a decent quantity of honey can also impede mucus build up in the bronchial tubes, which is known as a major asthma symptom.
Honey enhances skin health: Regular application of raw honey on the face can treat various skin problems including acne – thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties once again. Honey does not just removes acne scars, but stops their reoccurrence as well.
Honey Can Help Suppress Coughs in Children


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