"Only those who stay focused on their task end up as front-liners"
Here are 10 things healthy
leaders do daily:
1. Read the Bible: Use a Bible
reading plan and read the Bible every day. The audio feature of the Bible app
is especially helpful for Bible reading while you’re driving or exercising.
2. Pray: Talk with the Lord, pray
the Scriptures. Look at your church’s prayer list (intercede on behalf of others).
3. Exercise: I love playing
volley, recently I read about a pastor who lost 52 pounds, and he has walked
10,000 steps daily for exactly a year.
4. Eat Well: This isn’t easy, most
leaders struggle with it. Most of us have a hard time eating with wisdom. Make
it a point of daily intentionality. Our bodies are the temple of God!
5. Pray with your wife, tell her you
love her and talk with her.
6. Write an encouraging note.
If you’re a frequent reader of my
website, you know I’m huge on handwritten notes. They mean the world to people.
7. Do my work: Make a task list.
Then, prioritize it. Then, execute it. Work heartily unto the Lord!
8. Read: In addition to your
Bible reading, read at least 30 minutes
a day. If you’re an audio learner, listen to a book for at least 30 minutes
a day with the Audible app.
9. Give something to somebody every
day: There’s no better way to build a culture of generosity in your
organization or family than to give every day. Give money, or prayer, or something every day. Be a giver!
10. Share my testimony or the
Gospel with someone: God has called you to be a fisher of men, then let’s go
fishing every day. Have you ever been around someone who is really into
fishing? They talked about it obsessively. They talk about their boat, lures,
bait, etc.
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