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Amazing Black Walnut Benefits

The black walnut tree, with the scientific name of Juglans nigra, was introduced to Europe in the mid-1600s, but it has not spread beyond America and Europe. Black walnut is a large deciduous tree that is native to the United States, as well as certain parts of Southern Canada. The female flowers of this tree bloom and turn into a nut, usually in clusters of four or five. Black walnuts are popular food sources in both America and Europe and can be found in everything from candy, ice cream, fudge, and salads, as well as chicken, pork, and pasta dishes.

Health Benefits of Black Walnut include:
The important health benefits of black walnut includes the list below but not limited to;
Improves Respiratory Conditions
Gargling with black walnut extract can be very effective for soothing sore throats, as the anti-inflammatory nature can relieve irritation and inflammation.

Improves Heart Health: Eating a few walnuts each day can help to regulate the cholesterol levels in your body, as omega-3 fatty acids can help to eliminate dangerous LDL cholesterol from the body.

Antifungal Action: Black walnut contains juglone and tannins that can make the environment of the gut very inhospitable for the candida fungus, thereby protecting your body from the weakening of blood vessel walls and increased toxicity in your bloodstream.

Skin Care: The rich levels of antioxidants and beneficial fatty acids can actually impact the health and appearance of skin, prevent blemishes, pimples, and acne, and clear up skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

Regulates Digestion: The natural anti-inflammatory activity of black walnut makes it ideal for soothing upset stomachs, inflamed walls of the colon or gut, which will then help to normalize the digestive process and regulate excretion.

Lower Blood Pressure: Omega-3 fatty acids in walnut can help to lower your blood pressure, ease tension on your cardiovascular system, reduce your chance of developing atherosclerosis, and lower your risk of heart attack, stroke, and coronary heart diseases.

Boosts Immunity: It can significantly protect the body, boost immune system by neutralizing free radicals that cause certain types of cancer and chronic diseases. Black walnut is also antiviral and anti-parasitic in nature, providing a comprehensive defensive line for your body.

Prevents Cancer: Research is ongoing on the anti-cancer effects of black walnuts with promising results. The organic compound juglone found in black walnut, in addition to the many polyphenolic compounds and fatty acids, contribute to anti-tumor and anti-carcinogenic activity within the body, slowing the growth or preventing the development of numerous types of cancer.

Stimulate Circulation

Word of Caution: Walnuts are common causes of anaphylactic shock in sensitive nut allergy sufferers.
Skin rash is also a common side effect when the powder or tincture is applied to the skin.
Pregnant women are not recommended to use either topical or oral use of black walnut.


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